Your Hope Coach

Can We Find Beauty in Our Pain? | EP19

October 05, 2023 Carmen Horne Season 1 Episode 19

Are you standing in the rubble of your circumstances and wondering if you will ever find any good in all this bad? In this episode, Carmen offers several actions we can take to begin to find the little bits of hope amid our ashes.

Verses Carmen shared:

Romans 8.28
2 Corinthians 1.3-5

Three questions from Grace Maps to ponder when searching for beauty in your ashes:

1. Can I see how God worked through this difficult time?

2. Did I learn any valuable lessons? Did I discover something new about myself, my circumstances, or others? Did I learn more about God's character?

3. Have I been able to help someone else with my testimony?

Prayer from Out of Words:

Father, you are the God who sees my friend. She is in a difficult time and has memories of painful times stored deep within her heart. Hidden places that hold unhealed wounds. How can she open her heart to your healing, Lord? Who, better than You, knows how to turn her mourning into dancing?

Guide her, Lord, as she wrestles her joy and peace from the grip of bitterness. She is ready to release her hurt and resentment to you. My friend gives You her brokenness, and she receives Your healing.

Restore her, Lord!  In the mighty name of Jesus, amen.

Contact Carmen:

Carmen's Books: Grace Maps and Out of Words: